Morning Belz, Nov. 2
Greenwald leaves The Intercept, claims censorship — Glenn Greenwald
Protests, looting in Spain over new lockdown measures — Reuters
San Francisco, a city at odds on whether to reopen schools — NYT
Fauci: U.S. “could not possibly be positioned more poorly” on virus — WaPo
Crowd in Rome, Georgia, chants “Fire Fauci,” Trump demurs — CBS
Socialists are back in power in Bolivia, after 1-year “blip” — Bloomberg
Decent explainer on how powerful the drug cartels are in Mexico — AEI
U.S. opposes Nigerian picked to head WTO, not 100% clear why — WSJ
- New episode from Stone Mountain, Georgia — Scuffed News (Dropped it on YouTube last night. Smash that like button, please! And let me know what you think.)
- As farm aid skyrockets, farmers are uneasy being on the dole — Star Tribune
- Headed to Minneapolis tonight, gonna work on an election story tomorrow and Wednesday. Plan to spend time outside a polling place in Plato or Norwood Young America to catch a few farmers. I’ll drop off my Star Tribune laptop on Wednesday before I gradually make my way back to Georgia. Hope to have three new episodes of Scuffed News from this trip, though they will take time to publish. More on those soon.
“So let the reader who expects this book to be a political exposé slam its covers shut right now. If only it were all so simple! If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?” – Alexander Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago
About this email and me: I send this email most mornings to force myself to stay informed and to keep in touch. It’s typically ~8 links, a quote, and an update on what I’m working on. You are one of about 500 people on the list. Write me back! I want to correspond. And please share the email with anyone you think might like it. I am a reporter at the Star Tribune in Minneapolis for a couple more days, but soon will be a former newspaper reporter. At some point I’ll write something that explains my decision to leave daily journalism and link to it here. For now, find my new venture, Scuffed News, on YouTube (subscription is free and appreciated) and Twitter. Email me at