A breakthrough in long-duration batteries — WSJ
South Korean TV: decidedly not woke — BBC
Detroit residents want more cops — USA Today
Nice rundown of a “stunning week” in tech — Faster, Please!
Uber, it turns out, saves lives — NBER
Top-level soccer, the hardest sport — Athletic
David French on structural racism — The Dispatch*
4-part podcast on “Jesus & John Wayne” — Holy Post**
*the David Platt case, it seems to me, lays bare the rejection of any thoughtful discussion of racism by some on the Right. The guy’s not saying all white people are evil, or that we should reject the Enlightenment, or anything all that wild, and yet he’s being sued by his own congregation. Yikes.
**traces how “evangelicalism” morphed into something most closely resembling a pro-America civic religion beginning shortly after World War II.
“The tongue of the wise adorns knowledge, but the mouth of the fool gushes folly...The soothing tongue is a tree of life, but a perverse tongue crushes the spirit.” — Proverbs 15
About: I send this email most weekdays in an effort to stay informed and in touch. I was a newspaper reporter for 14 years, most recently at the Minneapolis Star Tribune. I explained why my family left Minneapolis here. Now we live just outside Chattanooga and I work on Scuffed News. Please share this newsletter with anyone you think might enjoy it. And please consider supporting this work with your money on Patreon.