Gripping dispatch from Senate chambers with the horns guy — New Yorker
A history of the GOP and Trumpism — WSJ
Inauguration: Drove up to the DMV yesterday. Virginia! What a state. Talked to people at several gas stations along Interstates 75 and 81, including one who claimed to have gone to high school in Phoenix with the capitol riot horns guy, and one lady who said she’s been in countries where coups have gone down. Most people I spoke to were reasonable. Gonna try to post that video later today. It’ll be quick, just like this email. Heading down to the perimeter in a few minutes to see what we can see. Might mess around and go to a university and ask people if they think the Enlightenment is coming to an end.
“There are status symbols that show one segment of society that you've made it, and prove to another segment that you never will.” — Jacob Siegel
About: I send this email most mornings to force myself to stay informed and in touch. It’s typically ~8 links, a quote, and an update on what I’m working on. Write me back! And please share the email. If I added you and you don’t like it, please click unsubscribe below. I was a newspaper reporter for 14 years at the Cedar Rapids Gazette, Des Moines Register and Minneapolis Star Tribune. I gave the basic story of why my family left Minneapolis here. You can find my new venture, Scuffed News, on YouTube (please subscribe!), Twitter and Instagram, and you can support the project with your money, in exchange for exclusive video and early access to some of the video, on Patreon.