Biden defense secretary pick tied closely with war industry — Intercept
“RIGGED ELECTION!” is 1 thing our president tweeted today — Twitter
People are tracking Thanksgiving travel and they’re not pleased — Bloomberg
Supreme Court rejects bid to overturn Pennsylvania result — AP
Study: Hospitalized Blacks w/COVID fare better than Whites — NYU
Elon Musk leaves California for Texas, says Cali “complacent” — WSJ
Chuck Yeager, test pilot who broke sound barrier, dies — NYT
Ethiopia’s president won Nobel Peace Prize, now he goes to war — LA Times
Many of you have already seen it but if you haven’t, check out the Stone Mountain piece. This morning I went in and cut some of the over-long intro, which I know (because YouTube tells me) was causing people to stop watching. This is a learning process for me. The video still isn’t as tight as it should be but I’m not going to re-litigate the whole thing. Stone Mountain is worth knowing about, and we did capture people saying interesting things about it.
“One always speaks badly when one has nothing to say.” – Voltaire
About: I send this email most mornings to force myself to stay informed and in touch. It’s typically ~8 links, a quote, and an update on what I’m working on. Write me back! And please share the email. If I added you and you don’t like it, please click unsubscribe below. I was a newspaper reporter for 14 years at the Cedar Rapids Gazette, Des Moines Register and Minneapolis Star Tribune. I gave the basic story of why my family left Minneapolis here. Find my new venture, Scuffed News, on YouTube (subscription is free and appreciated) and Twitter.
Did a good job on your trip to T-Town.