“Triumphant” Pakistan on the hook in Kabul — Indian Express*
Lies we keep telling ourselves about Afghanistan — National Review
Mexico rescuing desperate Afghan journalists in flight — NYT** 🔒
The youth national team soccer player who fell from the plane — WSJ 🔒
Herschel Walker is running for Senate in Georgia — AP
*worth it for the view from Delhi, and the phrase “masterly inactivity”
**there’s irony in the fact that Mexico must come to the rescue for Afghans who’ve worked for U.S. companies and are fleeing a formerly U.S.-occupied country, because the U.S. immigration system is so bad.
“There's no reason to think the Chinese will attempt anything like what the Soviets or Americans did (in Afghanistan), overthrowing the central government, and setting up a new one more friendly to them that attempts to control the whole country. China might grab some lithium, though.” — Nicholas Grossman, prof at the University of Illinois
Morning Belz comes out most weekdays and is written by Adam Belz, a former newspaper reporter who lives just outside Chattanooga, Tenn. Hope you benefit from it. Please shoot me a note if you have suggestions, ideas or corrections, share it with anyone you think might enjoy it, and please check out Scuffed News on YouTube. You can support that work, and this, with your money on Patreon.