$15 close to a “baseline wage” in low pay industries — WaPo
2 innocent Black men exonerated (after 30 yrs) in NY — NYT
Fake vaccine certificates fetch $200 on Internet — AP
Electric cars will be 68% of auto sales by 2040 — Bloomberg
Vaccine researcher cited by Rogan: Rogan got it wrong — Forbes
The SEC vs crypto (dense but good) — Matt Levine
How to interpret a fast rise in Covid cases — Cowen
”You might think that when a guy’s family office goes from positive $20 billion to negative $10 billion, that guy would no longer be a billionaire. That is sort of the naive intuitive reading of things.” — Matt Levine
About: I send this email most weekdays in an effort to stay informed and in touch. I was a newspaper reporter for 14 years, most recently at the Minneapolis Star Tribune. I explained why my family left Minneapolis here. Now we live just outside Chattanooga and I work on Scuffed News. Please share this newsletter with anyone you think might enjoy it. And please consider supporting this work with your money on Patreon.