China set to report first population decline since 1949 — FT
A real femme fatale in Miami — Local 10
U.S. military commanders beg spies to declassify more info — Politico*
83-yr-old Portland book store closes for good — KOIN
A half-hour of John McWhorter on race — Unherd
Biden raises minimum wage for fed contractors to $15 — Reuters
Autonomous cars: farther away than we thought — Verge
How Rodney King (the person) fared after his beating — Vanity Fair
*so they can use it to make our rivals look bad.
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“Here's the thing about allowing celebration of Chloe Zhao from (the) perspective of Beijing censors: a native Chinese winning a top US award for (a) film probing deep flaws in American society. Now try to imagine the reverse, a foreigner winning praise criticizing China. You can't.” — Howard French
About: I was a newspaper reporter for 14 years, most recently at the Minneapolis Star Tribune. I explained why my family left Minneapolis here. Now we live just outside Chattanooga and I work on Scuffed News, a project that either succeeds by July or will have to be abandoned. This is my newsletter. Please share it with anyone you think might enjoy it. And please consider supporting this work with your money on Patreon.